
The SEAK Lab strives to create open-source software that people can use and build upon for their research. Below is a list of the main software tools developed in the lab.

  • Orekit/SEAK: An extension of the Orekit astrodynamics tool to perform mission analysis of Earth observation missions, including calculation of coverage metrics, latency, and others. [git]
  • AOS\KDO: An extension of the MOEA multiobjective optimization library that implements our adaptive operator selection algorithms.
    [git, git, git]
  • Daphne-EO: A cognitive assistant for designing Earth Observing Systems. [git] [url]
  • Cityplot-VR: A virtual reality tool for visualization of high-dimensional design spaces. [git]
  • iFEED (Interactive Feature Extraction for Engineering Design): An interactive tool to extract human-understandable insights from design datasets [git] [url]
  • VASSAR (Value Assessment of System Architecture Using Rules): A rule-based system for explainable evaluation of Earth observing systems. [git, git, git, git]